- 关键词: 地下城物语(G&D)官网 地下城物语(G&D)攻略
- 游戏类型: 策略
Brand new Adventure & RPG game of 2018. FREE to Play Now! (Game for free) DESCRIPTION This is a mysterious adventure. How long can you survive during the unknown journey? Enter the Gumballs & Dungeons!Start off a great adventure with world wide players,lead your Swordan,Demon Hunter,Mage and Death Knight to beat the Evil Dominator of the Erathia continent. FEATURES ● Explore the Gumballs & Dungeons with world wide players,challenge friends and check leaderboards and achievements ● Experience more than 12 different game maps and hidden stages, including Magic Forest, Sage's Tower, Dracula's Castle, Skeleton Island ... ● Build and upgrade your GUMBALL Fleet,go to the celestial city, challenge world wide players and win resources to upgrade your fleet. ● Collect powerful new gumballs and upgrade existing ones,including Mage, Swordan, Odin, Vampire,Zombie ... ● Upgrade your Alchemist Workshop which can produce coins and resources constantly ● You can also read many wonderful stories that have more than 100,000 words in the game SUPPORT Are you having problems? Visit or or contact us in game by going to Settings > Guide. Forums & Guide: English: Wiki: Terms of Service: It's necessary to use the below permissions: RECORD_AUDIO There is a 'Voice Chat' function in the game, this function allows users to send the voice messages to each other, so it's necessary to use the RECORD_AUDIO permission. The video below shows how it works in the game: GET_ACCOUNTS In order to allow users to sign in the game with Google account, it's necessary to grant access to the GET_ACCOUNTS permission when signing in with google at the first time.

比之风神来自于 九游APP 2018-11-07 12:36
流年丶戏子与鬼来自于 九游APP 2018-07-12 17:43
兔子是猛禽来自于 九游APP 2017-12-09 11:47
命友爱来自于 九游APP 2017-09-19 15:54
道具 迷宫中能捡到道具,这些道具基本配有一大段说明文字,可能是恶搞,可能是故事,也可能是说明 以前在steam玩的那款游戏也有魔法的设定,但是那是技能,只有三个技能位。 所以有些时候只能用有限的策略杀怪。 但是这款有好多魔法卷轴,虽然是消耗品,虽然有限制,但是完全不影响有没有~!
九游玩家242978219787来自于 九游APP 2017-09-19 12:04
我玩这游戏有大概两个月了吧。 越往后怪以近指数倍加强,没错啊。所以想上排名或刷隐藏啊任务啊才爬很高,要是吃力了就跳楼啊! 画面还好,就是有点土气,据说是下一步更新的重点,期待更新。
的1874来自于 九游APP 2017-09-18 23:44
很好玩的一款游戏,停不下来了,要剁手。。。。 百度上这款游戏的资料并不多,论坛也很少,好像被攻陷了,游戏里每个英雄都有一个评论可以打开,里面有很多人留言,基本上都是骗点赞的。。。 有一点内容可能还比较实用,自行斟酌。。。。