This is the story of Ando, a humble peasant who rose to become a legendary knight of the Kingdom of Ilthir. Fed up with his life of poverty, he decides to recov...
Dungeon raid Heroes
This is the story of Ando, a humble peasant who rose to become a legendary knight of the Kingdom of Ilthir. Fed up with his life of poverty, he decides to recover the kingdom's stolen treasure by raiding the darkest and most hostile enemy territories. To this day the minstrels sing songs of his amazing feats. Help Ando pass through 5 different battlefields plagued by pixel art enemies. Test the limits of your reflexes and touch the screen at the right moment so that Ando can continue forward and not crash into the obstacles. Dungeon Heroes' simple gameplay will keep you hooked; you will want to play again and again until you sit on your throne atop the rankings. Tap the screen to push Ando forward, but choose your moment wisely. If you make a mistake Ando will be destroyed and the adventure will be for naught. Keep your eyes peeled for enemies: llamas, gargoyles, trolls, and other evil creatures that will fly across your screen. Get a "continue" in order to resume the adventure right where you left off. Good luck! In order to turn Ando into a legendary hero...you must be prepared to die! Did you like this game? Remember to rate it and leave a comment so we can continue making free games available to all. Your opinion is important to us! Thank you! 2016 Mobusi Games Studio
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