地铁2033原版和重制版有什么区别 地铁2033重制版强化了么 已采纳
《地铁:回归》是《地铁2033》以及《地铁:最后的曙光》的重制版本,改编自俄罗斯作家Dmitry Glukhovsky的同名小说,2010年3月由乌克兰的4A ...[详情]
地铁2033怎么获取道德点 地铁2033需要收集所有道德点吗 每日一条
在地铁2033这款游戏中,有许多玩家还不太了解游戏中的武器。今天,小编就来给大家介绍一下地铁2033中关于武器的攻略,感兴趣的小伙伴快来看一下吧~ 手枪 玩...[详情]
日记1:被怪物偷袭之后,往前一点可以拿到霰弹枪弹药的桌子上。 日记2:医院醒来,医生身后不远处的桌子上。 日记3:同一个屋子的隔壁房间,在一...[详情]

Some say the Single Player games are dead. We will prove it's not! Are you ready to enter dark and erous tunnels of post apocalyptic Metro? This game is about Adventure. It’s not only a game, it’s a book, it’s a trip! More than 500 hundred of pages were written for the game, supervised by Dmitry Glukhovsky, the author of Metro 2033 Universe! This game is about Survival. Nor mutants, nor bandits, nor Red Army, nor Reich will give you a chance to relax. This game is about Battles. Turn-based chess-style battles will open your talents of a Great Strategist. This game is about Troops. What is your ideal squad? Heavy armored mutants with fire support of a sniper? Or a high-level priest that will not allow your enemies even to take a turn? This game is about Economics. It’s always hard in the beginning. But when you're rich enough, you will be able to hire army so tough so you can go against most powerful enemies! This game is about Diplomacy. The way of the fist may be the wrong way. Why not to try the way of the diplomacy? Not to fight the enemy but ally with him? And of course this game is about PvP! You are tired of fighting and exploring? Why not to PvP against your friends? The Third World War started and finished in few hours — States have exchanged nuclear strikes and the civilisation fell. In the universe of Metro 2033, contrary to the theory of assured destruction, several thousands of people managed to survive in a maze of underground tunnels. We organized community and microstates, with arms fighting among themselves, and fighting off constant attacks of mutated flora and fauna. You — one of the survivors in search of immortality. The game is made under licensing agreement and supervision by Glukhovsky, the author of Metro 2033 universe.