Drag Racing WORLD RECORD Tunes provides you ultimate car setups for all cars of Creative Mobile’s Drag Racing game, allows you multiple wins on the championship...
Drag Racing World Record Tunes

Drag Racing WORLD RECORD Tunes provides you ultimate car setups for all cars of Creative Mobile’s Drag Racing game, allows you multiple wins on the championships. Download this art application and you will get access for 460+ car setups for all 10 levels. Each one of them makes the most recent world record result. The app sorts the list of cars by best result time on the level. So you can choose the best car for your favorite level and enjoy multiple wins on the championships. The best ever thing, we provide you Start rpm and exact time of the gear shifting or N2O injection, follows every car setup. If you asked yourself how they hold the world record result and what settings are used, get our app and set your own world record ever. For apply the world record’s setup to your ingame car, you just need 1. Find necessary Level and choose your car 2. Copy the provided setups (upgrades, N2O time, Final Drive etc.) 3. Apply it to your car in Drag Racing game and follow our tips to gear changing.. 飙车世界纪录的声调为您提供终极的汽车设置为创意移动的飙车游戏中所有的汽车,可以让你在世锦赛多赢。 下载此智能应用程序,你会得到访问460 +汽车设置的所有10个级别。他们每个人,使最新的世界纪录。 该应用程序排序的汽车使用的最好成绩时间上一级列表。所以,你可以选择最好的汽车为您最喜爱的水平和享受的冠军多赢。 有史以来最好的事情,我们为您提供启动转速和换档或N2O喷射的确切时间,如下每一辆车安装。 如果你问自己,他们是如何保持的世界纪录,什么设置都使用,让我们的应用程序,并不断设置自己的世界纪录。 对于申请世界纪录的设置到您的游戏内的车,你只需要 1。找到必要的程度,并选择你的车 2。复制所提供的设置(升级,氧化亚氮的时间,最终传动等) 3。它应用到你的车在飙车游戏,并按照我们的提示,换档..
Drag Racing World Record Tunes游戏截图

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