Without electricity there is chaos. Balance is a free puzzle game about electricity and power grids. Your goal is to make sure there are no blackouts, that the power grids are functional, and that you always produce the right amount of power.The game offers many challenges you probably never thought about: - Did you know that the amount of power produced is changed all day and night to match the amount we use? - Did you know that there is a limit on how much power you can tranit through a single power line without it getting overloaded? - Did you know that an well-built power grid could have any one line disconnected without causing blackouts? You do not need any knowledge about electricity or power grids in order to enjoy this game. Balance is developed by Statnett, the system operator in the Norwegian energy system, and is based on real challenges they work with every day. Fixed a bug that let time pass while showing an ad
虫洞心长矛来自于 九游APP 2022-08-26 13:48
九游玩家674359166311来自于 九游APP 2018-02-16 18:25
冷暖已不知8来自于 九游APP 2017-09-13 15:38
开始时游戏会提供你三种不同的线路,你要把供电站和居民区的电网连接起来。 玩了好几关,画风还是不错的,也很好玩。 操作还是挺简单的。前面的关卡还是挺好过的,到后面的话 线路会出现故障。 整体来说还是很赞的。 所以为了能让勤劳的居民用上电 发挥你的创造力吧!!!
九游玩家1426744108来自于 九游APP 2017-09-12 20:32
游戏的最终目的是又快又好的搭建线路,提供电力 玩家需要在线路设计,电压调配,维修,保留冗余上下功夫。 游戏画风有趣,少见的题材,在关卡中会遇到各种各样的供电问题。 已卡关好久了,不过偶尔研究一下打发时间不错。 小赞一个!
仐彡彡(忙,没空玩)来自于 九游APP 2017-04-30 08:33
平衡是用来打破的٩( 'ω' )و get! → →→ →→→ →→→→ 但打破了平衡,意味着你就失败了(ಥ_ಥ) ↓ 不信你试试……