手机游戏> 点击星系:Tap Galaxy> 游戏评论
点击星系:Tap Galaxy

TAP GALAXY is a space mining incremental clicker game, where you mine exotic planets, moons, asteroids and comets for resources that help you colonize galaxies and build your Galactic Empire. The game starts in a all, moon-like planet, where you can collect resources by tapping on it, and then reinvest your income in new miners, machines and boosts. That's just the beginning. With the help of your fellow Space Chimp, you can explore your Galaxy searching for new resources to mine; in order to do that, you have to buy space probes, level them up and reach for the farthest places in the Universe. Space Chimp also works for you when you are offline, mining more resources. And more has to come! Wormholes will let you move from Galaxy to Galaxy, where you will find new awesome planets and richer moons! Start mining now to make your Main Colony become bigger and bigger... and never stop! Please leave a review on the App Store if you like the game! This helps us to develop many other engaging games. Thank you for playing! TAP星系是一个空采矿增量唱首歌游戏,你挖掘异国情调的行星,卫星,小行星和彗星对,帮助您殖民星系,建立自己的银河帝国的资源。 本场比赛在一个小,月亮般的星球,在那里你可以通过点击它收集资源,然后再投资你的收入在新矿工,机器和提升开始。这仅仅是个开始。随着你的同胞空间黑猩猩的帮助下,可以探究星系寻找新的资源开采;为了做到这一点,你必须购买空间探测器,其中水平和达到宇宙最远的地方。太空黑猩猩也适用于你,当你处于离线状态,挖掘更多的资源。 而更多的有来!虫洞将让你从银河转移到银河,在那里你会发现新的行星真棒和更丰富的卫星! 现在开始挖掘,使您的主要群体越来越大......永不止步! 请留下评论在App Store上,如果你喜欢的游戏! 这可以帮助我们开发许多其他引人入胜的游戏。 谢谢你来玩!