Grab your finest winter coat and try not to lose your hat in the high winds as you stroll and ponder. Remember..the days might be getting shorter and the nights may seem to stretch on forever but a Victorian gentleman should still pursue his evening constitutional to keep his mind fresh and his limbs nimble! Winter Walk is a quirky little game suitable for ladies and gentlemen of all ages and occupations!Created for all you wonderful people as a winter treat by Monster and Monster - Purveyors of fine interactive wares and exquisitely made cups of tea. INSTRUCTIONS - Tap anywhere on the screen to start walking - Whilst walking tap and hold the screen to grab onto your hat - See how far you can stroll it without losing your exquisite (and very fashionable) hat TOP TIP - Keep an eye on your Top Hat! If it starts to wobble you should probably hold on tight! 抓住你的最好的冬大衣,尽量不要失去你的帽子,在强风当您漫步和深思。 Remember..the日子可能会越来越短,夜晚似乎舒展永远而是一个维多利亚时代的绅士还是应该追求他晚上的宪法,以保持他的头脑清新,他的四肢灵活! 冬城是一个古怪的小游戏适合女士和所有年龄和职业的先生们创造了你美好的人作为冬季治疗由怪物和怪物 - !细的互动制品传播者和茶的制作精美的杯子。 说明 - 点击屏幕上的任意位置开始走 - 虽然走点选并按住屏幕上抢你的帽子 - 看到多远,你可以漫步而不会丢失你的精致(也很时尚)的帽子 TIP TOP - 请关注您的高帽!如果它开始摇晃你应该抓紧了!

九游玩家7lyvcwn5sy1v来自于 九游APP 2015-07-08 19:10