Disco Zoo

从微小的塔的创造者来到迪斯科动物园!微小的动物。大乐趣。 旅行到世界各地的地区,收集了从猪恐龙为您迪斯科动物园。通过发现的益智休闲游戏隐藏的动物。管理和扩大你的动物园最大化收益。扔时髦的迪斯科方,让您的动物和游客groovin'!Disco Sue's Zookeeper Log: I convinced management to let me stock decorations for the animal habitats. Decor items can be accessed the same way as hats. Visitors to the zoo keep losing their hats! We’ve discovered several new types of hats that the animals insist on wearing. Some visitors to the zoo expressed concern over a lack of water available to the Outback animals. I’ve made sure they are getting enough water. Finally, we brought the zoo exterminator back in to take care of some bugs.
懒猫V06J7 来自于 九游APP 2024-03-02 07:30
预约了就是玩 不起怎么回事
九游玩家799844676790 来自于 九游APP 2020-02-28 22:27
很好的单机游戏 虽然全英文界面不太友好 但是内容还是不错的 属于休闲类游戏 在无聊的时候记一记小动物的图形 还是蛮好玩的