Overview 『Discouraged Workers』 is an indie adventure kinetic novel created by YGGDRASIL STUDIO, an indiegame creators. The game is the fifth in the Project DW ...
Discouraged Workers Demo
Overview 『Discouraged Workers』 is an indie adventure kinetic novel created by YGGDRASIL STUDIO, an indiegame creators. The game is the fifth in the Project DW series, a satirical story based on the popular Korean soap operas-styled plot. It compares Ga-yeon’s bleak everyday life to the dark side of youth. As a hospital coordinator, Ga-yeon fell in love with a doctor at the hospital she was working in and they had an affair even though the doctor was a married man. When the director found out, she was fired. For over a year she tried to find another job, but her mental uneasiness eventually made her give up and she became a recluse. A year later, in the spring of 2013, her younger sister, Hye-na, and her first love Yunwoo come to her. A story about the dark side of today’s youth and serious life events happening around Ga-yeon. Discouraged Workers Description - Demo is just kinetic novel. - You will be moved on through Ga-yeon’s point of view. - You don’t need to be directly involved in the game – just watch, read, listen, and feel it. - Discouraged Workers is played automatically. You can toggle this function. Features - A Korean-based densely-plotted story with the gloomy theme. - Short but intense playtime, with the real soap opera-like directing. - The animation-style hand-drawn sprites & CGs, and backgrounds based on retouched real pictures. Key Records - SlideDB 2016 AOTY TOP 50 - EMOTIONAL GAMES AWARDS 2016 Nominee - SlideDB 2015 AOTY TOP 50 - Greenlit on Steam Greenlight - Funded with Tumblbug - Amazon Top 100 selling Indie Games PC Games #12, Mac Games #4 - IndieGameStand Top Sellers #1 - itch.io Top games #51, Adventure games #7, Android adventure #1 - SlideDB Popular Games #1(2 times), IndieDB #11, ModDB $45 - App Store iPad Top Paid Educational Games #2, iPhone Top Paid Adventure Games #10, Top Paid Educational Games #1 in Singapore - Google Play Top Paid Adventure #20 in India, Top New Paid Adventure #7 in Korea, Republic of., Top New Paid Adventure #20 in 8 countries Promotion Official Game Website- https://yggdrasil-studio.github.io/Discouraged-Workers/ Official Fackbook- https://www.facebook.com/YGGDRASILSTUDIO Official Twitter- https://www.twitter.com/STUDIOYGGDRASIL Official Google+- https://plus.google.com/111690235848207359251 Legal Discouraged Workers ⓒ YGGDRASIL STUDIO All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. Do not distribute our program or any alterations of our program files.
Discouraged Workers Demo游戏截图
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