Dino tap
No network connection, so what will you do in Chrome?Yeb, that the freaking strange game where the Dino's gonna jump.And now it has come to a *WHOLE NEW LEVEL, I mean that IT'S INSANE* =))**GamePlay:- Touch, Touch, Touch continuously, insanely as you want to dodge the cactus and stay alive.- That's all :D**Features:- Only 1 Trex?? No, we introduce with Domino, Rubig, Dimon...those ancient Dino are waiting for you...;)) be ready- One of the Dinosaur had the favourite food is "YOU"...others may like cars or Ice-Cream... - You think you can master all of the Dinosaurs, you're dead wrong. Don't believe me? Try yourself- I myself almost throw away my phone as I suddenly *game over* after catching the second Dino, so I give you the righteous "second chance" to make it all over again (with ads...of course, I need eat to survive, as well as my Dino)- Trust me, you will find it SUPER FUNNY, hahahahaaaaaa**Please notice that: YOU CANNOT buy anything in our game, so feel free to enjoy the games without worrying of losing money =))))))Have a nice day :) __Buoi Team__