When the world is covered by the dark, when workers oppressed and exploited by evil Bosses, they revolted for fighting to escape from domination and get justice...
Dice Empire - Fighting Boss(Unreleased)
When the world is covered by the dark, when workers oppressed and exploited by evil Bosses, they revolted for fighting to escape from domination and get justice back. Join right now with thousands of gamer to finish impossible missions in the violent battle, to fight to win to become heroes or real warriors. The game Dice Empire - Fighting Boss has newfangled, attractive and dramatic Game Play with using Dice for fighting. Moreover, you must calculate to have the decided blow to defeat when you roll or reroll dices. » EXPERIENCE TRUTHFULNESS RPG - ROLEPLAY GAME « √ Unlock BOSS to publish the characters. √ The newest Game Play. √ Tons of attractive fighting missions. √ The beautiful, HD graphic and lively sound. » UPGRADE « - Characters are taken care carefully about graphic with the beautiful Skills. √ Upgrade your characters to increase power of skills as well as HP and MP index. √ Upgrade the skill for fighting to crush the to win. - 9 characters with different skills and special blow bring players the newfangled experiences. » REWARD « Each day, you will receive the interesting and useful rewards such as Heart, Coin, and Gems to revive in the violent war or upgrade your characters. » DICE EMPIRE – FIGHTING BOSS CAN BE ENJOYED FOR BEGINNERS « -If you like the action games or Craps Free. -If you want to experience violent battles or fight against evil Boss. -If you want to play Free-to-play role playing games. Can you become the new Hero of Heroes or ace Dice Roller? The peace of the world depends on your power. Try it right now for FREE. Dice Empire- Fighting Boss -the super war for real Heroes. As you play the game, you can win or DICE, there’s no middle ground. ---------------------------------------------------------- Access official ARRASOl’s website to learn more detail: http://arrasol.vn/ Follow Us on: - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArrasolGame - Twitter: https://twitter.com/Arrasol_Studio - Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ArraSolGame - Instagram: https://instagram.com/arrasol.vn - Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/arrasol0089
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