DECLINE is a retro space shoot-em-up in the style of similar games from the 90s.Pilot an upgradeable ship through a series of increasingly frantic levels while ...
DECLINE is a retro space shoot-em-up in the style of similar games from the 90s.Pilot an upgradeable ship through a series of increasingly frantic levels while destroying enemy ships for cash. Collect powerups as you go, and upgrade or trade-in your ship in the shop between levels.With open-source music by Josh Penn-Pierson.Features:* Bite-sized: ten minutes is a long play-through* Procedurally generated ships* Tap anywhere to teleport. If you get it perfectly right, you can destroy enemy ships via teleportation* Save anywhere and continue from where you left off later on* Tons of ship + weapon upgrades* Endless gameplay with adaptive difficulty: the game gets harder more quickly when you're doing well* Online high-scores with weekly and all-time displayNotes:* This was designed with phones in mind. No idea how this will go on tablets. If you'd like to try it, let me know how it goes.* This is the first release. If you spot any issues or areas for improvement, please let me know.* Primary testing was on an HTC One (M7), and the Moto G 2013. It's not clear right now how well it will perform on less powerful devices. If you have any performance issues email me the details on what phone you were using and roughly what level (top right) you started seeing problems and we'll look into it.You can get in touch for suggestions or bugreports at: decline@declinegame.comHappy hunting!
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