This mod adds more than 10 furniture to the game. It’s a neat feature you want to decorate your worlds. The downside is that it’s a work in progress so there wi...
Danxupe Furniture Mod MCPE

This mod adds more than 10 furniture to the game. It’s a neat feature you want to decorate your worlds. The downside is that it’s a work in progress so there will be bugs and very basic features right now. For example, the furniture blocks replace some of the original Minecraft blocks. That’s not best practice and hopefully the developer will address this issue in a future update. Also, try not to use the “Back” button to exit the game/menu because it can cause your device to crash (meaning, you have to restart it). How does it work? To obtain the furniture you need to use the creative inventory, select the building blocks menu button and scroll down to the bottom. The furniture have no good icons at the moment. Currently they use the wooden blocks and pressure plates icons. Install Guide: 1. Download the mod files below (DanxupeFurniture.apk). 2. Use BlockLauncher to install and Activated the mod file (DanxupeFurniture.apk). 3. Restart BlockLauncher.
Danxupe Furniture Mod MCPE游戏截图

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