The Dad Miller Golf Course App includes a GPS enabled yardage guide, 3D flyovers, live scoring and much more! Forty two years ago, a 93-year old made a hole in ...
Dad Miller Golf Course

The Dad Miller Golf Course App includes a GPS enabled yardage guide, 3D flyovers, live scoring and much more! Forty two years ago, a 93-year old made a hole in one here, 18 years ago Tiger Woods prowled its fairways. The course was named after Harold George Dad Miller who made that famous ace in December 1970 on hole No. 11, a 107-yard par three. Dad Miller was designed by Richard Miller, the son of Dad Miller and opened in 1961. Tiger Woods frequently played Dad Miller. As a freshman at Western High School, Dad Miller was the home course for the Golf team, The Pioneers. In an effort to help under-privileged children have access to some of the same opportunities that other children had, he donated $5 million dollars towards the construction of the Tiger Woods Teaching Center at Dad Miller. The center is free to youths 8-17 years old, and is open 12 hours a day. The education center specializes in math, language arts, science, tutoring and character development programs. Well maintained and price friendly, Dad Miller Golf Course has become a popular destination for players of all ages and abilities. The course features a lake, with lovely trees surrounding the fairways, and is easily walked. The new practice center is home to the Anaheim Golf Academy and offers chipping green and a night-lighted driving range. The snack bar, restaurant and cocktail lounge offer a fine compliment to any day's round of golf.
Dad Miller Golf Course游戏截图

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