手机游戏> CyaSNES Lite (SNES Emulator)> 游戏评论
CyaSNES Lite (SNES Emulator)

CyaSNES Lite is the lite version of CyaSNES.CyaSNES is the high quality and fast SNES emulator. Play almost all your SNES games.Welcome to try the Lite version before purchase. Welcome to provide any suggestions and feature requirements.Thanks!Features:+ On-screen virtual gamepad with optional viberation feedback+ Ten manual slots for save states with previews+ Multi-touch for 2.1++ Fast Forward+ Screenshots+ Wiimote support----Coming soon!+ Dropbox for syncing states among multi-devices----Coming soon!+ Many different file types support+ Cheat+ Screenshots for recordNo titles are included in this app. ***Copy or download games to your SD Card and browse them within the app (default directory is /mnt/sdcard) and select to play.Please report any crashes/problems via email (include your device name and android version). Coming soon:- Wiimote support- Dropbox for syncing