立方体!大约是一球试图收集硬币,同时避开尽可能多的下降块尽可能迷你街机游戏。你需要快速的反应时间,以获得在CUBE高分!.Collect硬币给你点。 立方体!是简单而有趣,挑战你的朋友来一场比赛,看看谁谁拥有最快的反应速度。 点击左侧或屏幕,使在所需方向上移动球权。 特征: 随机生成的水平。 随机生成的颜色。 移动准备 - 游戏将扩展并适应任何智能手机。 游戏元素将移动,流行反弹以动态的方式。 光滑相机移动。 本地高分 - 高达5分将被显示。 蓝牙游戏手柄的支持。 立方体!目前仍处于初期阶段,将有持续更新,以改善用户体验。CUBE! V1.3 Difficulty update now live. - Changes to home screen UI, Now has better animated blocks. - Added in a difficulty selection screen. - 3 New difficulty levels. - Better low-poly backgrounds added to all screens. - Easy is the original game. - Medium has higher towers with bigger gaps, but awards two points. - Hard removes block drop indicators and has taller towers but awards three points. Use your wits and reflexes to dodge the cubes dropping on hard! More updates coming soon.