手机游戏>Кейс симулятор CS:GO с реальными вещами>Кейс симулятор CS:GO с реальными вещами电竞
Кейс симулятор CS:GO с реальными вещами电竞
WCA赛事平台精英赛《CS:GO》解说阵容公布 新老解说汇聚一堂
近日,最令CS:GO玩家们欣喜的消息当数CS:GO国服发布会举办并宣布即将首测了。而激动人心的大事件不止于此,昨日,今年第二个CS:GO ...[详情]
一名《CS: GO》职业玩家的游戏账号被封停1000年,涉嫌骚扰未成年少女
最近一名《CS: GO》的职业玩家(ID为Bloominator)被美国电子竞技平台ESEA给封停了,时间为365000天。也就是说,在30...[详情]
电竞产业奖(Esports Industry Awards)简称EIA,近日在英国伦敦落幕。由《反恐精英:全球攻势(CS:GO)》、《英雄联...[详情]
Кейс симулятор CS:GO с реальными вещами
Case simulator CS: GO with real things. In our simulator a lot of cases with skins CS: GO, we have cases with cars of different brands, cases with phones and other electronics, cases with different games from Steam. All the advantages of our!!!! - We have experience in creating case simulators. - In the simulator a large number of cases with skins CS:GO and other real things. - In our simulator unlimited inventory. - We have more than a thousand different items with different price. - The most powerful drop among all case simulators. - We have interesting mini-games! Which you will not find in other case simulators! - We follow your feedback and try to implement your wishes, making our simulator cases even better! - We have frequent updates with new and interesting chips! We remind you that this is just an Open Case simulator. Things received in the game you can not withdraw on Steam or get in life.