David Han Games Presents Crash Cards! A simple game where you answer quick yes-or-no questions at high speeds! Words will appear in quick succession and you mus...
Crash Cards

David Han Games Presents Crash Cards! A simple game where you answer quick yes-or-no questions at high speeds! Words will appear in quick succession and you must use your world knowledge to make a split-second decision on whether or not it satisfies the prompt. Prompts include: ★ "Things that are fruits." ★ "Things that come in pairs." ★ "Things that are aller than a car." • Compare your score against other players world-wide with daily and all-time leaderboards! • See what percentile you're in; AKA the percentage of players that you've scored above. • Leave a short message in the leaderboards for everyone to see! [!] NO annoying ads that surprise you. Why you should install this game: • See who's the artest person in your friend group. • Improve your English. • Train your brain to act perform under pressure. Just Launched!
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