Try a new game with stunning pixel graphics, magic 3D cubes and the real endless world in which you are the main character! Build from house blocks, roads, bri...
Craft Build 2: Explore

Try a new game with stunning pixel graphics, magic 3D cubes and the real endless world in which you are the main character! Build from house blocks, roads, bridges, tunnels, caves, Parks with different trees, flowers and other vegetation. In the game you will meet with cute animals. Be careful at night: you can be attacked by terrible monsters, huge spiders, zombies are strong, elusive skeletons. Fight them and receive valuable resources as a reward. In the game you can fly, play with your friends, crafting different things. This game is for those who love these adventures !!! In detail: - New graphics; - much more blocks; - an endless world; - sunset and sunrise; - the moon and the stars; - eggs of mobs, lighter; - lava, water; - Better management. OPTIONS: (options :) game name difficulty third person view local server multiplayer (multiuser server) sensitivity invert y-axis (invert Y-axis) lefty (lefty) split controls d-pad size feedback destroy block (vibrate) graphics (graphics) view distance fancy graphics (Good graphics) beautiful skies (beautiful skies) animated water experimental (experimental) hide GUI (hide the visual intece) sound velume (sound)
Craft Build 2: Explore游戏截图

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