Become the Chosen One and help the ancient empire rise from the ruins in this adventurous match-3 game with a rich storyline, thrilling quests and captivating c...
Cradle of Empires
Become the Chosen One and help the ancient empire rise from the ruins in this adventurous match-3 game with a rich storyline, thrilling quests and captivating characters! Cradle of Empires is an exciting — yet cool, calm and collected — family-friendly adventure. It takes you on a breathtaking odyssey that challenges your matching, building and collecting skills. With the help from Nimiru and Egyptian settlers, you can break the Amrun’s curse and restore the ancient civilization to its former glory. Step up and become the secret weapon in the triumph of good over evil! WHAT MAKES THE GAME SPECIAL? ● Unique gameplay mix: You make matches, build a grand city and go on an adventure all in one … How awesome is that? ● Mega-sized adventure: You’ll be immersed in this engaging adventurous story with unexpected twists, gripping quests and memorable characters. ● Ancient cities and civilizations: You collect resources by playing match-3 levels, which help you rebuild the cities that evil had destroyed. ● Different game modes: You play 6 different match-3 modes, a variety you won’t find anywhere else. ● Many power-ups: You can earn a diversity of bonuses, power-ups and amulets — you’ll develop your own strategy for using them. ● Regular updates: You’ll never run out of new adventures as you’ll get new buildings, quests, bonuses, levels and whole civilizations in future updates. All this and much, much more for FREE! Get Ready for the holidays - Festive updates STAY TUNED Join us on: https://www.facebook.com/cradleofempires Find us on: https://www.facebook.com/awemgames Have more fun: http://www.awem.com/ Follow us on: http://twitter.com/#!/awem Watch us on: http://www.youtube.com/user/awemgames Enjoy our art on: http://pinterest.com/awemgames/
Cradle of Empires游戏截图
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