Mega Man X (after X4 stylized as Megaman X), known in Japan as Rockman X (ロックマンX Rokkuman X), is a Mega Man series of action platform video games released by Ca...
code Mega Man x Arcade
Mega Man X (after X4 stylized as Megaman X), known in Japan as Rockman X (ロックマンX Rokkuman X), is a Mega Man series of action platform video games released by Capcom. It was initially released on December 17, 1993 in Japan (January 1994 in North America) on the Super NES/Super Famicom and spawned sequels on several systems, most of which were later ported to the PC platform. The plot is a continuation of the preceding series, Mega Man. The game play introduced new elements to the Mega Man franchise including the ability to dash and climb walls.The first six games in the series were compiled in the anthology Mega Man X Collection. Mega Man X (after X4 stylized as Megaman X) Known in Japan as Rockman X (ロ ッ ク マ ン Rokkuman X X) is a Mega Man series of Action platform video games released by Capcom. It was INITIALLY released on December 17, 1993 in Japan (January 1994 in North America) on the SNES / Super Famicom and spawned sequels On Several systems, Most of qui Were later ported to the PC platform. The plot is a continuation of the PRECEDING series, Mega Man. The game play Introduced New Elements to the Mega Man frankly Including the Ability to dash and climb walls.The first six games in the series in the anthology compiled Were Mega Man X Collection.
code Mega Man x Arcade游戏截图
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