
在CityCab,你需要把乘客从A到B,没有时间了。你不需要遵守任何规则,你只需要让人们在他们的目标。 游戏具有3种游戏模式: 在经典模式中,您需要把乘客从A到B. 在时间挑战模式,你需要把尽可能多的乘客,你可以在120秒。 在大决战模式中,你需要摧毁的城市 - 跟车,打击厕所等坠毁1.3.2 A few bugs fixed. Ligthing changed. 1.3.1 Textures size reduced to reduce vRAM use. Mainmenu bug fixed. 1.3 Obligatory ads removed. Now, you can get characters from the store, switch characters, and now, you have a pre-launch screen. You can double your money with ads. Lighting bugs fixed. Memory leaks fixed. Optimalisation bugs fixed. Camera view changed for better gaming experience. 1.2 The game's grammar is corrected. The bugs are fixed. More optimalisations.