The events of this adventure occur in the year 2087, on an earth like planet in a very distant galaxy, where humans and dinosaurs coexist. Humans are the dinos...
Charlie: The Dino Rescue Team
The events of this adventure occur in the year 2087, on an earth like planet in a very distant galaxy, where humans and dinosaurs coexist. Humans are the dinosaurs' best friends, they live a happy and peaceful life, but unfortunate events are about to occur! The national space agency's telescopes have detected huge meteors racing towards their little planet, endangering man's giant friends! This is when the Dino Rescue Team (DRT) was formed, with a mission to relocate all dinosaurs to a new planet in order to avoid their extinction, humans have learned a lot form the last time! But being humans, they made a mistake and forgot someone behind!. A baby T-rex named Charlie has popped up on mission control's radar, it's DRT's final mission to bring him back to safety. Take your Dinotruck on this amazing human/dinosaur adventure to bring Charlie back to his family before the meteors hit Earth! P.S: Charlie loves cookies, there are going to be cookies on the terrains of each mission, try to keep your passenger happy and get as much cookies as possible! P.S: Charlie also loves speed!, he will let you know when you're driving if you're fast enough! Good luck officer!
Charlie: The Dino Rescue Team游戏截图
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