This app is designed for the creation of characters for Block Story. This saved you from having to create a character in game, then back out and manually edit t...
Character Creator: Block Story

This app is designed for the creation of characters for Block Story. This saved you from having to create a character in game, then back out and manually edit the character save file. Simply enter a character name, then fill in your desired starting skills (leave blank for in game defaults), select starting items,and click create.It's that simple! Official Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1816987301908468/ Official Facebook Like Page: https://www.facebook.com/charactercreatorblockstory Note to all my fans: I would like to thank you all for your patience with this app. This app is a side project that I am developing by myself, and unfortunately, sometimes life gets in the way. I am back to working on it, and hope to start pushing out a new update every week or two. Planned Features: - Include every game item - Include ability to set pet levels - Ability to edit existing characters Goal(s) for Next Update: - Add the rest of the game items and blocks. Note: This application is provided by DEF Software Solutions, and is in no way affiliated with MindBlocks or any of their affiliates.
Character Creator: Block Story游戏截图

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