手机游戏>Cellular Automata Builder>电脑版下载
电脑版下载(在电脑上玩Cellular Automata Builder)
A Cellular Automaton is a grid of cells, each in a certain state, that changes and behaves a certain way based on a set of rules. Cellular Automata were first created by Stansilaw Ulam and John Von Neumann in the 1940's, and made famous by the popular "Game of Life" rule set created by John Conway in the 1970's. Today Cellular Automata are not only fun to create, but also serve practical uses such procedural generation and simulation of complex systems in physics, chemistry, and biology. Features: • Choose between Square or Hexagonal grids • Create states with an editable name and color • Create rules with conditions that change a cells state - Determine how set of conditions work using common bitwise logic (AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, XNOR) • Create and change board's size up to 500x500 cells • Save states, rules, and board to a certain name, with the ability to load or change name later • Fill board - choose total percent of board - choose what percent of total each state fills • Change how fast the CA updates • Revert board to previous state • Easily edit board using manual or automatic draw mode Designed and developed by Tyler Lang Using graphics downloaded from
