This Game revolves around a cat or a bunch of cats helplessly abandoned on top of a pile of boxes systematically arranged, along with occasional appearances of ...
This Game revolves around a cat or a bunch of cats helplessly abandoned on top of a pile of boxes systematically arranged, along with occasional appearances of dynamites, fire zones etc., on the ground. The task of the gamer is to safely bring the cats back on the land by clicking on the boxes to make them land. As the game proceeds, the gamer might encounter tougher levels and complicated challenges that require intricate and thorough analysis as a prerequisite. The intricacy quality of each level will elevate gradually in synchronisation with the concerned stage's and level's hierarchical categorisation. But, the developers of the game assure you, all the levels presented in the game are perfectly solvable with cent percent efficiency with a little amount of thought and application of expertise knowingly or unknowingly accrued through attempting the previous levels and challenges. This asseveration serves to instil confidence and demolish any figment of obfuscation, befuddlement or scruple regarding the success brought about by involving in the game's essential services as a dedicated gamer. Note: If the game runs slowly or if the gameplay is seriously affected by occasional freezing of your device, the developers of the game grant complete liberty to the party concerned, regarding the quality settings present in the settings section, which can be invoked by clicking on the gear icon situated on the top right corner of the game. The quality settings are liable to modulation by the gamer in accordance with his/her comfort and choice, ranging precisely from 0 to 5. Happy Gaming!
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