Set in Paris, Cateau is a visual novel that takes the idea of friendship and investigates it through a particular lens – what it might take to actually be a fri...
Set in Paris, Cateau is a visual novel that takes the idea of friendship and investigates it through a particular lens – what it might take to actually be a friend in more than concept alone. As the protagonist, you come to understand that your friend and roommate Roselle is unwell. You take it upon yourself to try and rekindle that spark of life that seems to have gone out by engaging in one of her former interests, cats. While sauntering up and down the cozy streets of the City of Lights, whether it be to get to work, run errands, or simply enjoy the town, you will come to encounter three distinctly different cats. Their personalities being fundamentally unlike one another, it's up to you to enter unfamiliar waters, figuring them out as you attempt to bring your friend back. The multiple, varied endings give each choice, big or all, tangible consequence.
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