Cat Balls
Are you dumb enough to download a game called “Cat Balls”? If so, the people in Marketing want you! Take a mediocre puzzle game and put some cats in it. Lose your faith in humanity in the full knowledge that downloads statistics will triple.The “Cat Ball” inhabitants from the planet “Cat Globe” need your help to get to the exit. But they need to be in groups of the correct colour. That’s where you come in. Sort the cats as fast as you can, before you are overwhelmed by the sheer number of all, furry quadrupeds.Is the fact that they are poorly drawn cats with no animation budget spared from your payment of nothing (and no adverts) for this game going to affect the gameplay? No! Are the Cat Balls just a coloured circle with a face and cat ears drawn on them? Yes! Will people just mindlessly download anything that has a cat in it? We think so!=========================================================Critical acclaim for Cat Balls:- "I'm sure that this game has already been done much better by someone else. I suppose at least it isn't another Tower Defence clone"- "You know, my kid can draw you some graphics if you like..."- "How do you turn the music off?"