The story begins with a cowboy accidentally sucked into a time machine and enter into the world of ancient Egypt. The cowboy want to get help from the Pharaoh t...
Castle Run
The story begins with a cowboy accidentally sucked into a time machine and enter into the world of ancient Egypt. The cowboy want to get help from the Pharaoh to go back to his world but he need to overcome a lot of obstacles to find the Pharaoh. Castle Run is an Android application created for this purpose. Help this cowboy go through these temple castles by running over the blocks that he will face. The spirit that embedded inside the cowboy could not stop him running over and over again. You need to collect as many diamonds as you can. Avoid blocks such as barrel, crate and the fake pharaoh head by jumping over them. The road as to meet the Pharaoh is full of temple castles that consists of unlimited challenges that you need to overcome. You need to act or jump fast along the road on the temple castles and if you fail running over the blocks you will need to start over again on that level. Castle Run has more than 100 levels of challenges and it is fun to play! What are you waiting for? Download Castle Run into your Android device today!
Castle Run游戏截图
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