Candy Blastin Cupcake Assassin

手机游戏>Candy Blastin Cupcake Assassin>电脑版下载

电脑版下载(在电脑上玩Candy Blastin Cupcake Assassin)




You, a calorie packed cupcake, blast your way through an entire galaxy full of candy! Collect colorful sprites that will assist you on your adventure! Dodge evil sugar-grubbing enemies and fight your way through 100 levels worth of brightly colored eye-candy! Watch out for over 20 different bosses!Instructions:-Drag your finger or mouse across the screen to move the cake!-Collect all the candy-Destroy all the enemies-Go through the Sugar Portal..!You will increase in strength as you collect power-ups which you will need because the enemies get more intense as you progress! You can start at level 1 anytime and keep your current stats, allowing you to farm for upgrades. Continue at the furthest level you have completed whenever you wish to push progression towards the final boss and flip the game!Tip: Hug the friendly sprites to recruit them to your team!Future plans (if anyone ever starts to download this game:-Improve enemy/boss AI-Add a pause button-Improve automatic camera zoom ratio-Add another weapon type or two-Add some more music-Add "prestige" ranks-Improve boss hit visual-Add more color variations to the movement effects of enemies-Continue button at game over screen-Level select with completed levels after each boss instead of just the last level completed-toggle music/sfx button on title screen-special stars on title screen after flipping the game showing how many times you have flipped it-best hiscore on title screen (maybe just in the planned stats screen though)-connect the game to an online hi-score system-floating megasprites on title screen when you collect each one-tiny megasprites on side of play screen when you collect each one-turn bombs into pick-up and usable items with a button on the screen instead of automatic use at pick-up-a "stand-still" button so you can force the cupcake to stay in place as you shoot-a button on title that links to my other games on the play store-a co-op mode?-"new game", "tutorial", "continue", and "stats" buttons on title screen-achievements button in stats screenplanned achieves:-beat the game-beat the game 2x-beat the game 10x-collect all megasprites-collect 100 regular sprites-different score tiers (1000pts,10000pts,1000000pts, etc)-get combos of certain amounts (5x combo, 10x, 100x, etc)-kill enemies (100, 10000, 1000000, etc)



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