手机游戏> 不朽者> 游戏攻略> 综合篇> 《不朽者传奇》主机版画面缩水 4K画面比较模糊
《不朽者传奇》主机版画面缩水 4K画面比较模糊
虽然《不朽者传奇》选择了画面表现力更好的虚幻5引擎,但这也影响了主机版画面的缩水。根据外媒Digital Foundry的测试,《不朽者传奇》在PS5和Xbox Series X上为了实现60FPS,降低了原生渲染分辨率。
然而由于原生分辨率过低,即便使用FSR技术,拉伸后的4K画面也会比较模糊。至于Xbox Series S,《不朽者传奇》的分辨率更低,只有768x436,不过能稳定60FPS。
《不朽者传奇》每个主机版本都会使用FSR 2.1技术将输出分辨率拉伸到1080P或4K。
Xbox Series X版性能比PS5版平均高5-10FPS,但阴影质量较低。

The Incorruptibles is a REAL-TIME STRATEGY game that combines intense combat with a deep, robust crafting system that unlocks powerful heroes. Battle the evil Corrupted, take back the realm & expand your own thriving kingdom! ********** Developed by BonusXP & many of the creative minds behind the immensely popular AGE OF EMPIRES franchise, The Incorruptibles has been built to provide a unique hero based, real-time strategy experience unlike that of any other mobile game. Features: EPIC, FAST-PACED BATTLES -Real-time hero control -Devastating special attacks FORGE AN EMPIRE -Save & expand your kingdom -Defend the Realm from friend & foe UNLOCK & UPGRADE POWERFUL HEROES -Collect heroes to attack & defend the Realm -Craft recipes to improve hero abilities -Uncover rare crafting items & heroes RICH, VIBRANT BEST-IN-CLASS GRAPHICS