BullCow is number game. Logic is to guess a 4-Digit Number.CPU will generate 4-digit secret number. All you have to do is to guess that no in given time to win ...
Bull Cow

BullCow is number game. Logic is to guess a 4-Digit Number.CPU will generate 4-digit secret number. All you have to do is to guess that no in given time to win the game. To help you guess that no, every time when you guess a no you will be told about bulls and cows in the number where bull means no of digits which are on their exact position and cow means no of digits which are NOT on their exact position but in the secret number.For e.g. Suppose,Secret number: 5732Your guess: 1532Here there is 2 bull and 1 cow. Because 3&2 are on their exact position and 5 is in the secret number but not in its exact position.Note:1) Secret number is of exact 4 digits. All digits are between 1 to 9. 2) All 4 digits should be distinct in your guess. e.g. 4234 is invalid number. 3) You can have guess like 4020 where 0 means empty place.Visit us on : http://exawave.in
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