Take down the baddies in this fun and addictive top-down shooter. TWIN-STICK SHOOTER Diverse Block Survival Game is a 3D action twin-stick shooter with intuit...

Take down the baddies in this fun and addictive top-down shooter. TWIN-STICK SHOOTER Diverse Block Survival Game is a 3D action twin-stick shooter with intuitive controls that allow you to move and aim with ease. Get the enemies in your laser sight and watch the hero deliver a swift kill shot. Survival is game, and only yours matters! TAKE COVER Don't leave yourself open to the onslaught of enemy fire. Duck behind cover to give yourself a tactical advantage and take them down one by one. The cover system is easy-to-master and will save your life! The cunning enemies will use it too, which makes the action that more intense and satisfying. UNLEASH YOUR ARSENAL Deal death to your foes with your arsenal of deadly weaponry. The pistol comes in handy when dispatching single enemies, while the assault rifle allows you to quickly take down multiple foes. And if the enemies are in close proximity to each other, a grenade will do the trick – by literally blowing them away! You can also unleash death using melee weapons for close range combat. 6 LEVELS TO CONQUER Hunt down your enemies in huge 3D environments in this exciting action game. Explore every inch and pick up health and ammo on the way to victory. Unlock all the levels and please the completionist in you by getting a 3-star rating in all of them.

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