⭐️ Brick Breaker Infinite Space is a Brick Break ball game. Reach to the Top of space from completing each level with endless ball chain! Easy to pick up b...
Brick Breaker Infinite Space
⭐️ Brick Breaker Infinite Space is a Brick Break ball game. Reach to the Top of space from completing each level with endless ball chain! Easy to pick up but difficult to master.⛰✊✊⚡ Ready to explore infinite space? ⭐️ How To Play Tap and Swipe balls to break bricks for earning a score. Achieve a target score to clear the level! Don't forget the angle! This is the key point of this game! Use a laser booster⚡⚡ when you stuck in! Feature FREE TO PLAY EASY&FUN! Suitable for all ages. ENDLESS GAME PLAY 800+ levels await you! NO TIME LIMITS! You can enjoy brick breaker at your own pace! NO WIFI? NO PROBLEM! Enjoy brick breaker anytime, anywhere! OPTIMIZED ANDROID & GOOGLE PLAY GAMES - Designed for tablets & phones. - Support both ARM & x86 DEVICES. NOTES • Brick Breaker infinite space contains the ads like banner, interstitial, video and house ads. • Brick Breaker infinite space is free to play, but you can purchase In-app items like AD FREE and Hints. E-MAIL • help@bitmango.com HOMEPAGE • https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=6249013288401661340 Like us on FACEBOOK • https://www.facebook.com/BitMangoGames App Permissions [Required Permissions] - none [Optional Permissions] - none [Permission setting and withdrawal method] - Android 6.0+: Device Settings> Application Management> Select App> Revoke Access - Under Android 6.0: Can revoke access by deleting the application. Thank you
Brick Breaker Infinite Space游戏截图
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