手机游戏> 矿星之争> 游戏攻略> 综合篇> 矿星之争EL Primo怎么玩 Brawl Stars矿星之争EL Primo加点攻略
矿星之争EL Primo怎么玩 Brawl Stars矿星之争EL Primo加点攻略
矿星之争EL Primo是一名远程输出型角色,拥有相当高的血量,那么矿星之争EL Primo怎么玩?Brawl Stars EL Primo怎么加点呢?矿星之争EL Primo怎么得?下面就让为大家带来矿星之争EL Primo攻略解析。
�№.1EL Primo点评:
EL Primo(柯尔特)是一个近战坦克型角色,普攻是小范围的拳头攻击,虽然伤害不高不过可以仗着血厚贴着目标打,对于脆弱的射手来说很难受,不过EL Primo的移动比较慢,因此容易被远程风筝,所以要注意把握时机,等别人子弹放完了冲上去就是一顿胖揍。
EL Primo的技能是英勇跳跃,EL Primo跳跃到指定位置,对该位置范围内造成大量伤害。这是一个结合位移和伤害输出的技能,一般跳的准,砸到目标再接2拳就死了,不过这个技能有一定的延迟,所以放技能的时候要事先预判下位置,特殊情况时也可以用来逃跑~
总体来说,EL Primo属于偏坦克的类型,主要功能还是吸引对手火力为后排输出腾出空间,因此在加点方面建议优先考虑生命,其次普攻。当然选择半输出半肉也是可以的,不过操作和意识要求比较高。
�№.2EL Primo的属性:
生命 Health | 普通伤害 Attack | 技能 Super |
1365 | 80 | 200 |
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Brawl Stars

Welcome to this Brawl Stars ! Brawl Stars is a one-touch arcade where you have to press a jump cube , and you must follow the pattern on each obstacle to cross it! The game is simple on the suce - tap to keep a Brawl Stars bouncing in the air and match its Brawl Stars to an obstacle to cross it. Go through as many obstacles as you can before crashing into a different color of your cube . The challenge of the game is that the obstacles are moving and the Brawl Stars changes color. Brawl Stars; It is press the cube with intense precision to be able to cross the various obstacles;. Brawl Stars Careful Brawl Stars and art so that you cross the obstacle with the appropriate Brawl Stars Over time Brawl Stars,obstacles become more complex using different speeds Brawl Stars , shapes an areas. And as we have come to expect from these types of high score hunters, even though the gameplay Brawl Stars , it is also addictive. Includes: ◉ A beautiful minimalist design and physics based game-play. ◉ 50 challenging and unique levels to beat. ◉ Competitive game-play: Try to beat your friend's top score on the leaderboard, or be the first to beat all 50 levels and prove you're the master! You will need quick reactions and nerves of steel! CHARACTERISTICS Brawl Stars: - Impressive Brawl Stars patterns. -Easy to play Brawl Stars . -HD graphics Brawl Stars. What are you waiting for? Download our Brawl Stars game and enjoy the best color circle game ever!
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