海外精品游戏正版授权,体验版正式上线,中文版正在汉化中,让我们一起期待吧! How'd it all got started? Zombies... Alien Invaders...Potato, a bit of apples, pear... Robot-droid.. Save the world. YES! ...
Born to be Worm

海外精品游戏正版授权,体验版正式上线,中文版正在汉化中,让我们一起期待吧! How'd it all got started? Zombies... Alien Invaders...Potato, a bit of apples, pear... Robot-droid.. Save the world. YES! Let's save the Earth! Can you imagine a world which is threatened by alien invaders. They are terrible but cowardly. Because of these traits they do not have their army, but they know how to turn local inhabitants into the mutant warriors. They create mutants even of ... vegetables! They call them VegaMon-s. It is easy to guess, it means Vegetable Monsters. Nevertheless, ... planet Earth was able to repel the aggressors. And Earth’s shield will be the brave team: not very ordinary worm Eli and his faithful robot friend iGor .. Let’s fight back coic tyrant, Dr. Broccoli. 版本1.0
Born to be Worm游戏截图

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