Boomstick is a game about destruction, agility, and exploration. Inspired in parts by Downwell, venture down into the deep, vertical caverns filled with fearsom...
Boomstick is a game about destruction, agility, and exploration. Inspired in parts by Downwell, venture down into the deep, vertical caverns filled with fearsome foes. The young, red-haired girl carries with her, a handy boomstick that fires explosive bombs. Knock back aggressive enemies, destroy cavern walls, and blast your way further down into the dark. Collect elusive coins scattered throughout these caves. Purchase upgrades and health within shops that are tucked away among the rocky ledges. Each and every level is procedurally generated and is guaranteed to be unique! The Boomstick - A powerful and versatile weapon that can be used to handle all kinds of tough situations. Simple controls - Designed for mobile with three simple inputs that provide a responsive and intuitive feel. Upgrades - Advance further than before by collecting coins to expend at the various shops sprinkled throughout the caverns. Infinite caverns to explore! Each level is unique and will always present a different challenge in the formations of the platforms and walls. Suggest new features, weapons, upgrades in the reviews! Reach out to us for comments and questions!
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