BOAA (acronym for Bounty On An Asteroid) is a Comedic Space Opera with an Afrofuturi theme, set 3000 years into the future. The overall game premise follows the...
BOAA Tech Demo
BOAA (acronym for Bounty On An Asteroid) is a Comedic Space Opera with an Afrofuturi theme, set 3000 years into the future. The overall game premise follows the exploits of future bounty hunters who take on extremely risky and clandestine missions on behalf of Mega corporations, corporations that don’t want to be seen as dealing in the grey and black markets. BOAA features an Arcade mode (offline or online) and a Multiplayer* mode (up to 4 players). The action takes place in battle arenas. These battle arenas are, in fact, organized tournaments that Mega Corporations use to scout the next best bounty hunters. It is also the future of entertainment sports, having upended our modern day (circa 2000) sports events, several centuries prior (circa 3000). Participants in these battle arenas partake in the fray in order to acquire as much Bounty Matter as possible (the preferred means of monetary instrument amongst bounty hunters). In the real world, Bounty Matter is Cryptocurrency* that players can use to acquire unique digitally signed game items (CryptoCollectables*). The game mechanics of BOAA is simple: you can either jump or shoot (not both at the same time). Survival is the order of the day. So what is it going to be… Jump Or Shoot? *This Tech Demo will showcase the different game mechanics and game modes progressively with each update. To find out which features are currently available, please visit - https://www.illuminiastudios.com/boaa/boaa-features/
BOAA Tech Demo游戏截图
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