Salve a JOANINHA desviando dos besouros que invadiram a floresta. Ganhe mais pontos pegando as folhas. Ganhe vidas extras pegando as flores. Mas cuidado! Os besouros brancos são muito mais velozes do que os besouros negros! - - - Save the ladybug from the beetles that have invaded the forest. Earn more points by picking up the leaves. Make extra lives by picking flowers. But be careful! The white beetles are much faster than the black beetles! Save the LADYBAND from the beetles that have invaded the forest. Earn more points by picking up the leaves. Make extra lives by picking flowers. But be careful! The white beetles are much faster than the black beetles! - - - Save the ladybug from the beetles that have invaded the forest. Earn more points by picking up the leaves. Make extra lives by picking flowers. But be careful! The white beetles are much faster than the black beetles!