The brand new bridge app to practice your bidding and work on your partnership which takes you in a split second to the right contract. bid72 offers bridge pla...
bid72 – Bid perfectly with your bridge partner

The brand new bridge app to practice your bidding and work on your partnership which takes you in a split second to the right contract. bid72 offers bridge players all they need to know about bidding. The app is an excellent tool to practice bidding, to develop partnerships and to assist teachers and coaches. bid72 is fit for all bridge levels - novice, intermediate, expert - and for all bidding systems. Download the app and let bid72 be your bridge bidding guide: • with partners of your own choice • with an unlimited number of boards • with competitive (and explained) bidding • with rated boards Each finished contract is awarded a number of stars: • 3 = perfect • 2 = okay • 1 = on the edge • 0 = don’t give up To spice up your sense of competitiveness bid72 designed the concept of Ranking the Stars: after each finished board the total number of stars a player has earned is adapted in real time. Sign-up for the bid72 Newsletter and try the app for free during 32 days. Once you are hooked, check our Plan.
bid72 – Bid perfectly with your bridge partner游戏截图

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