Bellyra or Marching Bell is a musical instrument that is an important part of a marching band. This tool consists of a row of iron, some of which are gold-color...
Bellyra Marching Band
Bellyra or Marching Bell is a musical instrument that is an important part of a marching band. This tool consists of a row of iron, some of which are gold-colored iron and some of the iron is silver. How to play bellyra / marching bell is almost the same as how to play the piano or piano. It's just a difference in how to play the bellyra / marching bell by playing other melody tools such as piano or piano is found in the tools used to play it. Playing a piano or pianic instrument is by using the fingers that play it. While the way to play bellyra / marching bell is to use special instruments. The tool used to hit it is usually white and made of mica. This instrument at the end is round. How to play bellyra / marching bell is quite easy. How to play bellyra / marching bell, just follow the existing song notes. There are unique things in how to play this tool. That is, if you want to ring the tone of "do" and "fa", there is a row of gold-colored iron, and the rest is in a row of silver-colored iron. If you want to know more, it might be better if you ask the more skilled. Although easy, it takes a bit of talent to understand how to play bellyra / marching bells and memorize notes from the many songs that are prepared to be played by marching band troops. This tool has a weight of around 5 kg. Usually bellyra / marcing bell players often experience bruising - bruising on the thighs and left arm which is the place for this heavy tool. Difficult, players of this tool must memorize many songs which of course each have different tones. Bellyra / marcing bell has an important function of playing melody tones which are the core of the songs played. Melodic players must play notes in a compact and harmonious manner. In its important role, bellyra / marching bell is a symbol of harmonious melodic sound that explains the song he is playing.
Bellyra Marching Band游戏截图
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