Embark on an epic quest to save your lands from evil. Award-winning casual strategy game comes to Google Play. A resource-management adventure game of epic prop...

Embark on an epic quest to save your lands from evil. Award-winning casual strategy game comes to Google Play. A resource-management adventure game of epic proportions! Become the King of the Vikings. Lead your fellow companions into the world full of mystical legends and ancient myths. As king Ragnar travel through the beautiful landscapes of four fantasy kingdoms. Explore meerizing but haunting forests full of wild beasts and otherworldly creatures. Construct camps, find food and clear the roads from obstacles and minions in order to proceed. Upgrade your buildings to summon other characters each with a different set of unique abilities. Find hidden treasures and lost artifacts to use them and complete challenging time-management puzzles. Northern Tale 3 is a casual strategy that will challenge you but will not overwhelm with difficulty. This game will invite you to become a part of a great legend. Rescue your friends from the curse of the Ethereal Dragon! Become the ultimate hero of the North! Features: - Travel across 50 colorful levels! - Solve challenging resource-management puzzles! - Play as different heroes! - Use unique characters' abilities! - Color the black and white world! - Unlock over 40 challenging achievements! See the power of the elemental magic! JOIN US! Enjoy Realore Games at: http://www.realore.com Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RealoreGame Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RealoreGames 踏上史诗般的任务,以节省您的土地从邪恶的。屡获殊荣的休闲策略游戏来到谷歌播放。一个资源管理冒险游戏难遇!成为海盗之王。带领你的同胞的同伴进入世界充满神秘的传说和古老的神话。 作为国王拉格纳通过四个奇幻王国的美丽风景旅行。探索充满野兽和超凡脱俗的动物令人着迷,但萦绕的森林。建立营地,寻找食物和清除,以要从障碍和爪牙的道路。升级你的建筑来召唤其他字符每一个不同的独特的能力。发现隐藏的宝藏和文物损失使用它们,并完成具有挑战性的时间管理难题。 北方故事3是一个休闲的策略,将挑战你,但不会有困难压倒。这场比赛将邀请你成为一个伟大传奇的一部分。从飘渺龙的诅咒拯救你的朋友!成为北方的终极英雄! 产品特点: - 在整个50丰富多彩的水平旅行! - 解决具有挑战性的资源管理难题! - 扮演不同的英雄! - 使用独特的字符的能力! - 颜色黑色和白色的世界! - 完美超过40具有挑战性的成就! 看到的元素魔法的力量! 加入我们! http://www.realore.com:在享受Realore游戏 按照我们在Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/RealoreGame 按照我们在Twitter:https://twitter.com/RealoreGames

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