Basket Manager 2018 is a free game in which you take control of a basketball team in a professional league for several seasons. Build your own dinasty. Now BM ...
Basket Manager 2018 Free

Basket Manager 2018 is a free game in which you take control of a basketball team in a professional league for several seasons. Build your own dinasty. Now BM 18 has a new player development and engine simulation improved, with a new intece. You can do your lineup, transfer players, sign free agents and see the stats of all the players and teams. Use the draft to get new stars in the league. Our goal is not to make an ultra-realistic game, but a simple game that is easy to use and allows to feel the sensation of carrying a team to win a ring. This is the humble work of a couple of friends in his spare time. We on’t have the resources of big studios, but we do have tons of illusion. Keep this in mind when judging the game, please, and remember we will try to improve it from time to time, it’s a “continous game”, not a finished one. Disclaimer: We can't use real names or teams of the NBA (C), we don't have the license or ways to acquire it.
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先锋小神射79 来自于 九游APP 2019-03-30 21:53
nba篮球经理,神作。 开局能交易到的好用的球员有欧文,小托马斯,奥拉地波,莱昂纳多,波尔津吉斯,恩比德。这些都是只有一年合同的,能不能成功续约就看运气了。 季后赛平均85分的球队可能输给平均80分球队。随机性很大。