Barred crosswords are similar to traditional crosswords, but they use black lines instead of black squares to separate the words. Advantages of barred crosswor...
Barred Crossword
Barred crosswords are similar to traditional crosswords, but they use black lines instead of black squares to separate the words. Advantages of barred crosswords are: • More words in the grid • Larger number of cross-overs for the words • You do not lose half the screen with black squares Other features include: • Each new game is created by the app automatically. Therefore you can play an unlimited number of crosswords!! • Very configurable game generator. You decide the grid size, difficulty and many other things • Many 1000's of clues • You can choose from three different types of crossword grid: British, Barred and Arrow • Generate crosswords tailored to your interests, ability, nationality and device size • You can zoom in & out of the grid, and move around. Play with large grids on small screens! • Ability to save games and reload games. Play many games at once, just like a crossword book! • Many aids to help you complete the crossword • Play crosswords in these languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Russian Also known as compact crosswords and word maze.
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