Baldi's Basics in School Education learning 2

手机游戏>Baldi's Basics in School Education learning 2>电脑版下载

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Welcome to new game of Baldi's Basics in School Education learning 2 Everybody knows, that math is a horror, so our new simulator is horrific twice! Welcome to Baldi's Basics in School learning 2, where you will have a slew of math quests. This Education and learning simulator is a horror, in which you will have to collect notes and solve math quests. You do not need calculator to complete these slew tasks. In Baldi’s basics, you can count everything in your mind. So take your calculator away, remember everything you have learned from school and prepare yourself to experience horror in our education and learn simulator: Baldi’s Basics in School Education. Will you complete every task or failure in math basics will become your horror in this game? Open this application to check this. In this education and learning simulator, you will play as a student in Baldi's Basics in School learning 2, who have to stroll through corridors and search notes. In these notes, you will find slew math quests, which you have to complete without calculator. Many a screamer also awaits for you in this education and learn simulator. Baldi's Basics in School learning 2 has slew horrors inside and the only way to escape is to pass every math test in the game. Baldi's Basics in School learning 2 is a powerhouse of horror, which also contains math, which makes this place twice horrific. Remember everything you had learned at school and escape this uncanny place. Call your friends and play together to solve math riddles faster. If you cannot use calculator, it does not mean that you are not allowed to call your friends. Baldi’s Basics in School Education is a free to play education and learning simulator. Solve slew math riddles and collect notes to earn new quest to solve. Collect every math note and complete every math riddle to escape Baldi's Basics in School learning 2, which is full of horrors. Evade screamers and hard tasks to survive and get out of this horrific place. Forget about calculator, in this place it is forbidden, but you can always call your fellows to help. Download our new education and learning simulator and give your brain a nice workout from Baldi's Basics in School learning 2 enjoy the game !



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  • 九游玩家7lyv8029qn7b来自于 九游APP 2020-03-28 08:13

    我说下道具: 汽水很有用的,吐一口痰推走敌人 巧克力也很有用,回满体力并且有十秒左右的无限体力时间 硬币用来买汽水,靠这些道具通关其实不难,要看灵活运用,反应也得快,手机版比电脑版难操控,通关也就更难

  • 若鹭来自于 九游APP 2019-08-03 00:15


  • 九游玩家7lyv1hrlfyyi来自于 九游APP 2019-01-18 10:17


  • 九游玩家699355071653来自于 九游APP 2018-12-27 22:03


  • 帝域⚡Fluttershy来自于 九游APP 2018-12-09 08:30


  • 孔致远队长来自于 九游APP 2018-08-26 18:26


  • 九游玩家394946333614来自于 九游APP 2018-08-14 20:02

    第2本第三题是老师故意弄错的题目,这乱码让人看不懂,然后随便写都是错的,连游戏实况up主都不会,可以随便写,反正每个三道题做什么题都是错误的, 注意:不要答错三道选择题,一旦答错三道选择题的戒尺声与巴迪老师速度会逐渐加快,直到捉住你为止!!!

  • 白面fale来自于 九游APP 2018-08-14 08:53


  • 王勤硕来自于 九游APP 2018-08-12 09:27


  • 可爱的皮卡丘么么哒来自于 九游APP 2018-08-09 13:49


  • 九游玩家7lyv6f2yukf9来自于 九游APP 2018-08-07 12:18


  • 九游玩家054381250288来自于 九游APP 2018-08-07 11:47
