The time is running out ⏱️,and you have to start your mission right away. Get the best zombie simulator - a Zombie: Zombie Shooter - Dead City Island game for A...
a Zombie: Zombie Shooter - Dead City Island
The time is running out ⏱️,and you have to start your mission right away. Get the best zombie simulator - a Zombie: Zombie Shooter - Dead City Island game for Android and prepare yourself for the true zombie infestation. ⚠️ Anyone who’s into FPS games, sniper games and shooting zombies, will be captivated by this vivid zombie 3D survival game. This is a matter of life and death. Learn to aim for the head and inflict critical hits. ☠️ You must become a true zombie shooter if you want to survive, and the good thing is you have unlimited bullets! Choose your weapon, shoot zombies and zombie animals until dawn to stop them from turning you into their meal and prevent the end of the world. Get ready for one of the most epic shooting games of all times. If you like zombie games free you are going to love playing Dead City Island missions. The zombie apocalypse has just begun! ⚠️ Your task will be to shoot off zombie heads, arms and legs, and progress through different levels. As you level up, different and stronger zombies will appear. Upgrade weapons in your arsenal, increase their power, range, and firing rate to take down stronger zombies. If you have been looking for exciting and challenging zombie sniper games, look no further because a Zombie: Zombie Shooter - Dead City Island first person shooter game has everything you’ve been searching for. Killing zombies has never been more fun than now, with the new Drone missions inside our zombie game. If drone games are something you enjoy, you will be more than entertained. In some missions, you will simply have to take down some free roaming zombies and in others you will be responsible for keeping the survivors safe. Features of the game: intense gameplay with a lot of missions to accomplish a lot of 3D zombies to be killed cool arsenal of weapons a lot of items to be unlocked ️ realistic sound effects high resolution graphics stunning game music This is where you’ll get the opportunity to test some of the best weapons on moving targets , zombies. A great chance to practice your shooting skills and score amazing deals on weapons. In this FPS game with zombies, we have prepared an impressive arsenal of weapons for you. You will have pistols, devastating shotguns, snipers, high-damage assault rifles, brutal machine guns or fast-firing submachine guns to choose from. Bear in mind that in this zombie shooting game weapons are not free; you must earn in-game money or gold to buy them. Get your trigger finger ready, charge your weapon, because the undead must be eliminated, and you are the only hope! a Zombie: Zombie Shooter - Dead City Island zombie FPS game has many challenges as an additional opportunity to make progress in the game. This and many other features are available for you in one of the best free zombie games for Android . Now that you are aware of what you can expect from this shooting game with unique 3D zombies , you are ready to start playing it. Fans of action shooting games, do not wait any longer - download now a Zombie: Zombie Shooter - Dead City Island and become a zombie shooter who is standing at the frontline, and defending the city. One of the best zombie games on the market awaits you! You can visit us on: Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/eWeapons/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/eWeaponsTm Instagram: https://instagram.com/eWeapons Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/100354016998642015299 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz_iY-LQTZQ vkontakte: https://vk.com/eweapons and write some suggestions and your impressions about a Zombie: Zombie Shooter - Dead City Island. Contact us on e-mail: eweapons@yandex.com ©2018 eWeapons™ a Zombie: Zombie Shooter - Dead City Island has been created for entertainment purposes only.
a Zombie: Zombie Shooter - Dead City Island游戏截图
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