
Einstein's riddle or "Zebra puzzle" is a well known riddle attributed to Albert Einstein. In a neighborhood of five houses one is given some clues regarding the habits of the house owners and is asked to identify the one that owns the fish (or zebra in some variations). It is said that only 2% of the population is able of finding the solution. I am not sure however, if this percentage refers to the people that are able to solve the puzzle without using a pen and a paper (or a computer). This is indeed very difficult and requires a beyond the average ability to hold too many pieces of information in one's mind at the same time. This application provides an easier way to solve the puzzle. It presents the rules and the board in the same screen and allows you to easily make selections. It highlights red or green a rule automatically, when it is violated or fulfilled. It also offers easier variations of the puzzles, with fewer houses and properties. Translations German: Anne Leist NOTICE The new permission is introduced in order to integrate Scoreloop 爱因斯坦的谜语“斑马谜”是一个众所周知的爱因斯坦的谜语。在附近的五间房屋,一个是关于房子的业主的习惯给出了一些线索,并要求找出一个拥有鱼(或斑马一些变化)。 这是说,只有2%的人口能够找到的解决方案。我不知道,但如果这个百分比指的人,能够不使用笔和纸(或计算机)来解决这一难题。这的确是非常困难的,需要一种超越平均能力持有太多条信息,同时在一个人的头脑。 该应用程序提供了一个更简单的方法来解决这一难题。它提出了规则和董事会在同一屏幕,让您轻松做出选择。它突出了红色或绿色的规则自动,当它受到侵犯或履行。它还提供了更容易变化的困惑,用较少的房屋和财产。 翻译 德语:安妮Leist 注意 为了整合Scoreloop的引入新权限