Now ASSRT is a Multiplayer game with Team Death Match, Player profiles and Multiplayer Leaderboards. ASSRT(Agents of Secret Service Recruitment Test) is a Firs...
Now ASSRT is a Multiplayer game with Team Death Match, Player profiles and Multiplayer Leaderboards. ASSRT(Agents of Secret Service Recruitment Test) is a First-person shooter puzzle game loaded with lot of Action and Excitement. Here in this game you are going to take the role of an Agent who is going through the process of ASSRT. In ASSRT his Skill, Mental and Physical abilities are tested. You must be the finest to get selected. - Smooth gameplay - Lot of weapons including special weapons like Compound Bow and Dual Guns - Upgrade and customize your weapons - Use your favorite attachments on your weapons to suit your play style - Uniqueness in each level with different puzzles - Action filled gameplay - Two different type of graphics modes, Normal Graphics/Cartoon Style Graphics - Adjust graphics settings to make this game run ooth even on low end devices This is one Action First-person shooter game that you all want to try More interesting updates coming soon... This game is still in beta, please let us know if you find any issues inside the game, we will try to resolve them as soon as possible
ASSRT Beta游戏截图
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么么哒(1426729016) 来自于 九游APP 2017-09-26 13:57
这款游戏很有创意,可玩性很好,关卡创意很多,有此地方要好好想想在过去,不然就不知道是怎么死的。 作为一款fps游戏,玩点非常多,不仅仅是设计,还有冒险和闯关的赶脚,个人非常喜欢。画质走的是简约or像素风,射击手感爽快。
豌豆ye2ks2 来自于 九游APP 2017-09-26 09:34
这个游戏人气偏低啊,其实是个很不错的游戏。 第一关我就玩了10分钟左右,真是感谢自己的手残。 在关卡的设计上与其说是纯粹的FPS游戏不如说是解谜和FPS并存。 不能靠技术3星是很难受的但是考虑到游戏的独特设计,我不打算因此减星。