Assassin’s fight AR is a best mix of augmented reality and classical fight. You can experience full combat fight in 3D and augmented reality with jaw dropping g...
Assassin’s fight AR is a best mix of augmented reality and classical fight. You can experience full combat fight in 3D and augmented reality with jaw dropping graphics. Players get to fight in real world and beat the opposition with the use of best kicks and punches. Move forward and hit the opponent to burn their life energy and win the duel. Avoid kicks from opposition by brilliant step backs and execute clever counter attack to earn the complete domination over the opponent. Experience best augmented reality by ensuring following setups, ◉ While choosing suce, place your device near to the target suce and in parallel with it, once target is fixed, you can freely move your device while playing. ◉ Target suce must contain enough details, avoid playing plain suces like blank walls or blank papers. ◉ Better lighting on the target should be ensure before starting the game. ◉ Movement of user defined target may be result loss of progressed game details. Note ◉ Assassin’s fight AR is free-to-play game and optimized for artphone and tablets which have 3MP or above back camera. ◉ Application best performance with devices having ram above 1GB and android OS KitKat and above. ◉ Application may not run on certain devices even if they have compactable specifications as mentioned. ◉ If the game run slowly on your device, it is recommend to clear all background activities and retry; for higher ram memory devices please ignore this note. ◉ Devices positioning is key ingredient to the best gaming experience. If you face any problems while installation or while playing the game, please report to us. We will resolve it at the earliest.
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