手机游戏> Are you a werewolf ?> 游戏评论
Are you a werewolf ?
Method 1. You're assigned some position, Civilian side(Civilian, Diviner, Mystic, Knight, Freemason or Monster cat), Werewolf side(Fanatic or Werewolf), or Third side(Vampire).2. If you were assigned Civilian, Diviner, Mystic, Knight, Freemason, or Moster cat, you should try to kill werewolf by executing. If you were assigned Werewolf or Fanatic, you should try to kill other player exept werewolf in night turn. 3. If Werewolfs was extincted, Civilian side will win but if the number of Werewolf side's players and the number of Civilian side's players were same, Werewolf side will win. then if Vampire si alive, Vampire will win.4. Night turn and Morning turn are repeated until winner's decided. 5. Werewolf can kill a player in every night.6. All of player can execute one player in every morning.Price: FREE!!The number of players: FROM 4 PLAYERSPlease let me know what do you think about this game, it was bad, it was terrable or may be good and if you find new bug or wrong grammer of English, please let me know. Anyway please enjoy this game!! 【基本信息】 作者:Rompei Takahashi 更新时间:2015-01-26 版本:1.0 系统:Android 2.2.x以上 语言:其他